Professional teeth whitening for bright, white smiles in Petaluma, CA

Have you noticed that your teeth are looking yellow, dull, or stained due to coffee, tea, tobacco use, or other reasons? If so, professional teeth whitening might be just what you need to transform the appearance of your smile. At North Bay Smiles in Petaluma, CA, this non-invasive, economical treatment can rapidly brighten your teeth for dramatic results in just a few short weeks, bringing vibrancy and vitality back to your smile.

What causes tooth stains?

Many people associate stained teeth with consuming coffee, tea, wine, and other deeply pigmented foods. While this is a common reason for yellowed or stained teeth, there are several other factors that can contribute to staining:

  • Tobacco – smoking or chewing tobacco can leave stubborn stains on teeth
  • Fluorosis – consuming excessive amounts of fluoride during the time your teeth are developing can lead to stains
  • Aging – as we get older, our enamel becomes thinner and reveals more of the yellow-colored dentin beneath the surface
  • Medications – certain medications, such as tetracycline antibiotics, can contribute to the development of stains

Before and After



See More Smiles

*Individual results may vary

Benefits of professional whitening

From whitening toothpastes to strips, trays, and other systems, you have likely seen many different varieties of at-home whitening options at your local grocery store or pharmacy. However, professional teeth whitening will simply provide better, safer results. At North Bay Smiles, we create custom trays that are designed uniquely for your teeth that keep the whitening gel where it should be—on your teeth—and off of your sensitive gums where it can cause irritation or sores. In addition, we use a medical-grade whitening gel that provides more rapid and consistent results.

Get rid of stains with teeth whitening

Teeth whitening services are some of the most sought after cosmetic procedures in today’s world of dentistry. Strong dyes and acids in our food and drink, and unhealthy habits like smoking can lead our teeth to lose their color. Get your stained teeth looking brilliant and white again with teeth whitening!
Video Transcript

At a young age our teeth are healthy and white but over time the enamel that slowly coats the tooth is worn down causing our teeth to become stained and yellow which is why teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular today. There are a few methods for whitening – they include at home and in-office. With in-office treatments, you will see faster results and you will receive the safest treatments for bleaching the teeth and yield the whitest smile. So don’t settle for teeth that have become stained from years of coffee drinking, tobacco use, or just aging. Ask your dentist about whitening options that maybe right for you.

Because tooth whitening treatments cannot whiten any dental restorations you have, such as fillings, crowns, or veneers, Dr. Szyperski can work with you to determine a plan for whitening your whole smile in a way that works well for your timeline and budget, replacing old restorations as necessary for beautiful results.

Get the bright, white smile you deserve!

If you are tired of hiding your smile and looking for a way to fix your stained teeth, call us today to learn more about professional teeth whitening and whether it is right for you! We serve patients in the Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Santa Rosa, Novato, and neighboring communities and can be reached at (707) 306-8001.
