Fixed dental bridges restore your smile’s function and appearance after tooth loss in Petaluma, CA

Tooth loss affects more than just the appearance of your smile. It can negatively impact your oral health, causing your other teeth to shift in your mouth, a misaligned bite, unnecessary wear and tear, and an increased risk of gum disease. When you replace lost teeth with natural-looking restorations such as fixed dental bridges at North Bay Smiles in Petaluma, CA, you can avoid these oral health issues while re-gaining confidence in your smile.

How permanent dental bridges work

A permanent dental bridge is just one of many ways to fix missing teeth that have been lost due to injuries, decay, disease, or other issues. A traditional bridge consists of two main components:

  • Natural-looking false teeth, typically made from porcelain, that “bridge” the gap left by the missing teeth
  • Dental crowns on the neighboring teeth that are used to anchor the bridge in place

Dr. Szyperski might recommend a dental bridge if you are missing one or more teeth and are seeking a durable, economical tooth replacement option. With good home care, a dental bridge can last for years to decades, but will eventually need to be replaced or re-cemented. Dental bridges have many benefits:

  • They prevent many of the oral health issues associated with tooth loss
  • Your face will have a younger overall appearance because the replacement teeth will help fill in your cheeks
  • You will be able to eat, speak, and smile with ease again
  • Fixed bridges are easier to care for and eliminate the issues of slipping or irritation that removable partial dentures can create

What to expect when you are getting a fixed bridge

To get a dental bridge placed, you will need to come in for at least two visits after your initial consultation to determine the best tooth replacement option for you. We first numb the area that we will be treating, and then prepare the teeth adjacent to the gap by shaping them for the placement of dental crowns. Then, we will take impressions of your teeth that are used by the dental laboratory to fabricate your high-quality, durable bridge out of modern dental materials, such as an all-porcelain bridge or porcelain fused to metal. We will place a temporary bridge while your permanent bridge is being made so you don’t have to go for any length of time without teeth.

Once your permanent bridge is ready, you will come back in and we will check its fit, making any adjustments necessary. Once you and Dr. Szyperski agree that it looks, functions, and feels great, she will cement the bridge in place. We provide you with ample information about how to take care of your new bridge and are here to answer any questions you may have about your beautiful new restoration.

To schedule your appointment at North Bay Smiles, call our office at (707) 306-8001 today! We welcome new patients to our practice and serve the Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Santa Rosa, Novato, and neighboring communities.
