Patient Safety – Covid-19 Dental Treatment Protocols
Our patients’ health is of the utmost importance to us. Below are some of the precautionary measures taken at our dental practice to ensure the safety of our patients and our staff.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the safety measures in our practice to better protect our patients against the corona virus, please contact us at (707) 306-8001 or email us at as we value your feedback.
For your upcoming appointment, please be prepared to answer a mandatory screening questionnaire on arrival.
Hygiene and safety protocols followed at North Bay Smiles explained by Dr. Yvonne Szyperski
Hygiene and safety protocols followed at North Bay Smiles
Hi, my name is Dr. Yvonne Szyperski, and I am the owner of North Bay Smiles, Petaluma, CA. I would like to share with you the COVID 19 protocols.
Upon entering the office with your mask on. You will have your temperature checked and asked a few specific COVID-related questions.
Before entering the treatment room, you can choose to wash your hands with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer. We have all patients do a hydrogen peroxide rinse after removing their masks.
We use external oral suction when using the ultra-sonic scaler and during your cleaning and when the doctor uses a handpiece. This is to protect the team from the aerosols being generated during these procedures.
You may also hear us using an aerosol device to fog our rooms. That contains hypochlorous. Hypochlorous is an electrolyte saltwater that kills bacteria and viruses, and COVID is among them. The rooms are sprayed to kill any viruses in the air and the treatment rooms.
We also use hypochlorous to decontaminate ourselves. We wear double masks and a face shield. We plan on continuing this protocol even after the pandemic comes to an end.
Everyone, please stay safe, and thank you for letting us take care of you.